Monday, August 30, 2010

Citizen NSmen to get $9k award

Sun, Aug 29, 2010
my paper

Citizen NSmen to get $9k award

By Gwendolyn Ng

SINGAPORE citizens who have served their national service will each receive $9,000 through a new award to be given by the Ministry of Defence (Mindef).

The National Service Recognition Award (NSRA) will help to fund the cost of operationally ready national servicemen's (NSmen's) education and also help them buy a home. Commanders will receive a larger sum.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who announced the implementation of the award at the National Day Rally yesterday, said: "It is a significant tangible recognition of the sacrifices, efforts and contributions of our national servicemen. It's for Singapore citizens only."

This will be a token of appreciation for the time and effort citizens give to serve national service, he added.

Mr Lee said: "National service makes a heavy demand on male residents and, I should say, on their spouses and families, too."

He elaborated that male Singapore residents not only have to serve two years of full-time national service and many more years as an NSman, but also try to build their careers and raise their families.

The sum will be paid in tranches at significant milestones of an NSman's service.

It will be deposited into their Post-Secondary Education Accounts and Central Provident Fund accounts.

Mindef will announce details of the award soon.

The award is one of the measures Mr Lee highlighted in a bid to assure Singaporeans that citizens come first.

He added that permanent residents who have completed their national service will receive the award when they take up citizenship.

He was addressing the issue of competition from foreign talent, where he pointed out that it was "not practical to make foreign workers and adult immigrants do national service".

However, Mr Lee pointed out that many PRs and first-generation citizens also do their part by serving national service.

Other ways in which the Government recognises the contributions and sacrifices of NSmen is through providing them with Safra clubhouses, allowances, tax reliefs and top-ups in government bonuses.

The award is good news to 20-year-old NSman Benjamin Huang, who said: "It's good to know that the Government is appreciative of our efforts.

"This will definitely help me pay my school fees when I go to university next year."

Read also: PM Lee's $9000 "Carrot" is an insult!


MINDEF unveils details of NS recognition award

Will $9000 make NSmen STFU and vote PAP?

Welcome the new: frack the old nsmen!

NSmen 'benefited from the peace and prosperity they've helped create'

1 comment:

Sylvester Lim said...

"Goh said he had to support his mother, who was ill and unable to work, and a 25-year-old brother who is studying at a local university. He had intended to serve his NS after his only sibling was able to support their mother in his place.

Justice Rajah said that while Goh "may have been a dutiful son", NS obligations had the highest priority, ahead of studies and personal matters. Goh was ordered to report for NS immediately after his release from prison."